You can try below shortcode:
[wpv-form-view name="news-search" target_id="self"]
in the search form, i have 2 selectbox Continet & Country
is it possible to show only Continent or Country selct box ? other that just hiding one with CSS ?
No, there isn't such kind of built-in feature, you might consider custom CSS codes(hiding one with CSS )
Hi again,
I have created a Custom post type "News" and assigned 2 custom taxonomies in it "Continents" & 'Countries' . No dependency is defined like which country is under which continent e.t.c
But in the View Search form, the the country selectbox is getting auto populated with the selected continent automatically .
For example, select 'North America' in the Continent slectbox and then Country selectbox only shows USA & Canada
My quoestion is how is this happening automatically when no relationship is defined ?
I mean its a good thing that its happening but how ?
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