For my real estate website I’ve included a repeatable field to have different informations about the “2 bedrooms”, “3 bedrooms”, etc…
I’m displaying that infos on the property pages.
At the end of each line I’d like to add a “info request” button.
However I would like to link that button to only 1 form but I’d like to add in the form that the request is for a 2 bedrooms or a 3 bedrooms. How can I retrieve that info ?
The idea is to avoid creating 5 different forms regarding each situation…
Thanks for you help.
Thank you for contacting us and I'd be happy to assist.
Assuming that the form to request more information will be on a different page, you can pass the selected 'number of bedrooms' through the URL parameter.
For example, suppose the normal link for the form page is:
The link that you'll create for each 'number of beds' inquiry, would like this:
and so on...
And in the form itself, you can add a field for the number of bedrooms, by using the value from this URL parameter "bedrooms".
In form field settings, you'll see an option to specify the URL parameter from which to read the default value.
I hope this helps and please let me know if you need any further assistance with this.
Actually what I'd like to do is:
- display the listing of available typologies on my property page (which if ok)
- at the end of each line, display a "info request form" link
- this link should run a Themify shortcode that will trigger a popup (I have the shortcode but I don't know how to include in the Toolset view)
- This popup should display a form that will be the same for each typology but remembering the typology it came from to be displayed in the title of the notification
OR (better)
- This popup should display a form that will be the same for each typology but with a selectable field of all the typologies available with the predefined value of the chosen one in the property page.
Could you please take a look inside my WP admin to help me doing this ?
To suggest the most efficient way to achieve this, I'll need to see how these related elements are set up on your website.
Can you please share temporary admin login details, along with the link to the example property listing page?
Also include the link to a simple page that shows how the Themify popup shortcode works.
Note: Your next reply will be private and making a complete backup copy is recommended before sharing the access details.