I have a custom taxonomy setup for posts called 'Access Control' and I will need to restrict access to pages based on the value of the taxonomy. For example, any post with the term 'Tier-1' will require the user be in a particular role. Is there a way to do this with Toolset Access? At first, I thought you could because there is a section for taxonomies, but I'm realizing that's not the case. The post grouping seems like the closest thing but you can't automatically group by taxonomy. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Okay, so I'm going to have to put in manual conditional statements inside my pages. Really, you could do this for any of the other functions of Access as well, but Access is supposed to be the more convenient option for controlling access throughout the site. I will add this as a feature request since I think it would be valuable to your customers and a lot cleaner than having to put in a bunch of conditional statements sprinkled all over the website.