I have got a problem with the reset password page: I wanted to use a "text and field" block in order to insert a password reset form.
Bottom line: I expected to see the form showing up but the the page is blank when rendering (even when testing the whole process starting with the lost password form)
Attached is a screenshot of that text and field block after inserting the form: as you can see it is blank (there is a shortcode showing up right after inserting the form but it vanishes right away)
Nevertheless it looks like the form may have been inserted anyway when inspecting the source code.
Link to a page where the issue can be seen: hidden link
I visited your site and found a page "Mot de passe oublié" which I assume is where you want to insert the reset password form.
I added a Fields and Text block, then inserted the the reset password form, and it worked as expected (screenshot).
After inserting the form in Visual Mode, I switched to HTML mode to remove the unnecessary paragraph tags which WP inserts, although that wasn't required for it to work.
Actually the page was "Réinitialisation du mot de passe" (meaning password reset) instead of "mot de passe oublié" (meaning forgotten password) but a page is a page as far as inserting a form is concerned, right? 🙂 Sorry for these languages issues.
I have just recorded a short screencast video to show you what is happening on my end. Ready for a quantum moment?
hidden link
(see how a guest star (aka shortcode) appears and then disappears)
I can see the problem in your screencast, but it works fine when I try again myself (this time on the correct page, you were editing the other).
The only obvious difference between your attempt and mine is that my user was set to use English, so I tried again with the site default language, which made no difference (I didn't really expect it to).
If you are seeing one thing and I'm seeing something else, the most likely cause would be browser caching, that you are using a cached version of some JS file, while—as a new visitor—I am seeing the latest versions.
So, could you try clearing your browser cache and performing a hard reload on the page and trying again? Or try again with a new browser you haven't visited the site with before?
Spot on! Yes, there was a caching issue: I have used another browser and the shortcode does show up.
I have also cleared the cache on the regular PC+browser and it works as expected, at least for the page "réinitialisation du mode de passe" aka 'password reset' (see screenshot reset1)
But there is still something weird for the page "mot de passe oublié" aka 'forgotten password' even when using another 'brand new' PC+browser never used before for that site.
The short code does not show up (see screenshot mot2) unless I hover it and click on it (see screenshot mot1). Would you mind logging in and trying for yourself at hidden link ?
Actually that does not bother me that much because the front end feature works anyway but I am just curious to know before closing this ticket.
I checked with the developers and the shortcode is on a list to not render anything on the backend, but it probably doesn't need to be as it produces the problem that the block appears empty. He'll remove it from the list, so I expect that should be resolved in one of the upcoming releases.