I wanted to use Content Template (Loop item in...) for View with Repeatable field group. But there are missing shortcodes for Repeatable field group in Content Template. If I write them manually, it works, so I don´t know why they are not visible.
Hi, can you tell me how you are editing this Content Template? For instance, did you go to Toolset > Content Templates, or are you editing a View's Loop Template in the View editor screen?
If you clear your browser cache, reload the page, and test again, is the problem still occurring?
Hi, I tried the procedure you described, but it didn´t help. It´s a Content Template created in Divi Builder. The shortcodes aren´t displayed even in top admin bar "Toolset shorcodes". If you want I can give you access into WP.
Hi, yes please provide login credentials in the private reply fields here. Let me know which View and Content Template you are referring to.
Okay thanks, I was able to see the problem on your site and also reproduce it on my own local site. I will escalate this to my 2nd tier support team for some additional investigation. I'll let you know what I find out.
Hi, just a quick note to let you know our developers have assured me this issue will be resolved in the next release of Types. I don't have an ETA just yet, but I'll keep you posted here and let you know when it's available. Thanks for your patience while we work to get that ready.
Hi, Types 3.2.5 is now available for download at https://toolset.com/account/downloads and will be available for automatic update later today. Please update to the latest version of all Toolset plugins and let me know if the problem is not completely resolved.
My issue is resolved now. Thank you!