with 2 "Custom Post Types" with a "Many-to-Many" relationship, is it possibile to "join" more times the same records?
I try to give you an example.
We have 2 "Custom Post Types":
- Colors
- Product
and in the "Many-to-Many" relationship I've an Intermediary Custom field "Size"
Then I can have:
- Product: Shoes > Color : Red | Size: Big
- Product: Shoes > Color : Red | Size: Medium
- Product: Shoes > Color : Red | Size: Small
- Product: Shirt > Color : Red | Size: Large
- Product: Shirt > Color : Red | Size: Small
- Product: Shoes > Color : Blue | Size: Small
- Product: Pants > Color : Blue | Size: X-Large
Then if i edit "Shoes" in the "relationship view" I can see:
- Red | big
- Red | medium
- Red | small
- Blue | small
and editing "Red" in the "relationship view" I can see:
- Shoes | big
- Shoes | medium
- Shoes | small
- Shirt | Large
- Shirt | Small
And so on....
Because I tried to link two times a record with another record with which it has already liked but I couldn't do it.
With only one relationship, you can connect same posts only once.
In your case, you can consider below workaround:
1) Setup three post types:
- Colors
- Product
- Colors-Product
2) Setup two one-to-many relationships:
- one-to-many relationship between "Colors" and "Colors-Product"
- one-to-many relationship between "Product" and "Colors-Product"
So you can connect the same same "Colors" and "Product" posts multiple times with the "Colors-Product" post type
Ok but where I've to add my Intermediary Custom field named "Size"?
a) one-to-many relationship between "Colors" and "Colors-Product"
b) one-to-many relationship between "Product" and "Colors-Product"
c) in post type "Colors-Product"
Regards Alex
One more question...
how can I automatic save the relationships:
- "Colors" -> "Colors-Product"
- "Product" -> "Colors-Product"
when I save (or update) a "Colors-Product"?
Q1) where I've to add my Intermediary Custom field named "Size"?
You can add the Custom field "Size" into post type "Colors-Product"
Q2) how can I automatic save the relationships:
You need to setup the relationships manually, when you edit a "Colors-Product", you can choose the related "Colors" post and "Product" post manually, after save the "Colors-Product" post, those relationships will be setup automatically.
Q2) save automatic relationships:
In "Color-Products" I've set this custom fields:
- Color (Field type: Post Reference > Colors)
- Product (Field type: Post Reference > Products)
- Size (Field type: Text)
When I save (or update) the "Color-Products" I need to save in:
- in "Color" (post type) the association between "Color" and "Color-Products"
- in "Products" (post type) the association between "Product" and "Color-Products"
Because when I open the "Color" or the "Product" item I need to see its all connections.
In "Color- Product" post type I've this list:
Product Color Size
Shoes Red Big
Shoes Red Medium
Shoes Red Small
Shirt Red Large
Shirt Red Small
Shoes Blue Small
Pants Blue X-Large
"Shoes" in the "relationship view" I need see:
Color Size
Red Big
Red Medium
Red Small
Red Large
Red Small
To avoid more misunderstandings, please elaborate the questions with more details:
When I save (or update) the "Color-Products" I need to save in:
- in "Color" (post type) the association between "Color" and "Color-Products"
- in "Products" (post type) the association between "Product" and "Color-Products"
When you edit/create a "Color-Products" post, can you associate it with other "Color" post and "Product" post, or not?
When you edit/create a "Color-Products" post, can you associate it with other "Color" post and "Product" post, or not?
Yes, it is possible.
As you suggested the structure is:
Post types:
- Colors
- Product
- Colors-Product
one-to-many relationships:
- one-to-many relationship between "Colors" and "Colors-Product"
- one-to-many relationship between "Product" and "Colors-Product"
Colors-Product fields:
- Color (Field type: Post Reference > Colors)
- Product (Field type: Post Reference > Products)
- Size (Field type: Text)
Product relationship view:
- Colors-Product (post_title)
- Colors-Product.Product
- Colors-Product.Color
- Colors-Product.Size
Color relationship view:
- Colors-Product (post_title)
- Colors-Product.Product
- Colors-Product.Color
- Colors-Product.Size
I hope the atteched images helps.
Why do you need those two post reference fields in post type "Colors-Product ":
- Color (Field type: Post Reference > Colors)
- Product (Field type: Post Reference > Products)
You have already setup two one-to-many relationships:
- one-to-many relationship between "Colors" and "Colors-Product"
- one-to-many relationship between "Product" and "Colors-Product"
So when you edit edit/create a "Color-Products" post, you should be able to setup the post relationships without post reference fields.
Please provide a test site with the same problem, also point out the problem post URLs
I think there are some misunderstandings.
The Toolset post reference field is also based on one-to-many relationship, the relationship slug is same as the post reference field slug, so you have setup too much relationships between those three post types, if you prefer to post reference field, you can remove two one-to-many relationships:
- one-to-many relationship between "Colors" and "Colors-Product"
- one-to-many relationship between "Product" and "Colors-Product"
And in the single "Colors" post, you can setup a view:
- Query "Colors-Product" posts
- Filter by relationship between "Colors" and "Colors-Product"
- In view's loop, display "Colors-Product" post information + related "Product" post information
More help:
Please let me know if you need assistance for it, I can setup a demo in your website.
"And in the single "Colors" post, you can setup a view:
- Query "Colors-Product" posts
- Filter by relationship between "Colors" and "Colors-Product"
- In view's loop, display "Colors-Product" post information + related "Product" post information
More help:
It looks a good solution but I don't need it in front-end, I need it in admin in editing the Custom Post Type ("Colors" or "Product") interface .
Is it possible?
I was thinking to add a "custom function" in functions.php on saving/updating a "Colors-Product".
To get the value of "Color" and "Product" in "Colors-Product" and add it in the relative one-to-many relationship.
- I create a new "Colors-Product" with title "Blue-Shoes"
- "Blue-Shoes" has Color: Blue and Product: Shoes and Size: M
- saving/updating "Blue-Shoes" the function get the "Color" and the "Product" value
- then function adds:
----- in the relationship one-to-many "Color > Colors-Products": a new relationship between "Blue" and "Blue-Shoes"
----- in the relationship one-to-many "Product > Colors-Products": a new relationship between "Shoe" and "Blue-Shoes"
I know how to get the value of "Color" and "Product" but I don't know how to add (by code) the new relationship between "Color" (or "Product") and the "Colors-Products".
Here the code that I used to create the automatic post_title:
add_action( 'save_post', 'update_title_collegamento_pro_pra', 99 );
function update_title_collegamento_pro_pra( $post_id )
if( get_post_type( $post_id ) == 'collega-prof-prat' ) {
// get Post Reference ids
$join_pro_pra_professionista = toolset_get_related_post($post_id ,'join-pro-pra-professionista');
$join_pro_pra_praticante = toolset_get_related_post($post_id ,'join-pro-pra-praticante');
// do the actual processing
if (empty (get_the_title( $post_id )) ){
// create a new post_title
$join_pro_pra_title = get_the_title( $join_pro_pra_professionista ) . " - " . get_the_title( $join_pro_pra_praticante );
// set new post_title
$my_args = array(
'ID' => $post_id,
'post_title' => $join_pro_pra_title,
'post_name' => sanitize_title($join_pro_pra_title)
// update the post, which calls save_post again
$res = wp_update_post( $my_args, true );
Yes, you can use Types API function toolset_connect_posts() to connect posts with custom PHP codes, it depends on yourself.
But as I mentioned above:
Toolset post reference field is also based on one-to-many relationship, the relationship slug is same as the post reference field slug, so you have setup too much relationships between those three post types,