I've created a Relationship between two custom post (let's say A and B). This relationship has an Intermediary Post that is shown on WordPress Admin (let's name it AB).
Now I need to create a new relationship between AB and other custom post, C.
But AB doesn't appear on the relationship wizard, so I cannot get forward.
I would appreciate some help.
Thank you!
Thank you for contacting us and I'd be happy to assist.
Your observation is correct and an intermediary post type can't be joined to another post type through post-relationships.
If you can share some more specific details about the requirement/goal with the actual post type names, I'll be in a better position to share some alternate structure or workaround.
Hi Waqar,
Thank you for helping. Ok, I explain the goal a little more.
I have three custom post: "Makers", "Techniques" and "Projects". Each maker is expertized on different techniques and a technique can be used by different makers. So I created a M2M relationship between Makers and Techniques.
Now comes the part I have to resolve:
Inside a Project you find people who is working on it (Makers) and how they work (Techniques) on the project. The problem is that I need to know what is doing each maker, wich tecnique is the maker applying, in each project.
Imagine John and Linda are expertized on watercolor painting and oil painting. And they are part of a co-creation project with several artists. In this project the watercolor painting is done by John but the oil painting is done by Linda. I need to add to the project the John-watercolor and Linda-oil relationship. It's not enough with project-john, project-linda, project-watercolor, project-oil.
Maybe I've been overthinking and there's a simple solution! Hope you can help me.
Thank you so much!
Thank you for sharing these details.
I'll recommend introducing a new custom post type "Project Contributions".
One "Project" can have many "Project Contributions", so you'll join these two post types through a "one-to-many" relationship:
a). Projects -> Project Contributions
Each "Project Contribution" post can have only one "Makers" and one "Techniques" post, but one "Maker" and "Technique" post can be part of many "Project Contributions". This means that the relationship between them would be one-to-many too:
b). Makers -> Project Contributions
c). Techniques -> Project Contributions
As a result, once you'll have the information about each project contribution for a post, you'll also know which maker/contributor contributed using which technique.
I hope this helps and please let me know if you need any further assistance around this.
My issue is resolved now. Thank you! :)))