hello there
- i've created a page where i've inserted a create content form "id = 00 "
- then i've created an edit form " id = 11 " (for the same content mentioned above because the content is too long and needs to be separated to parts)
- then i've inserted the edit form " id = 11 " in a content template " id = 111 "
- then i used the redirect_success hook below to redirect :
add_filter('cred_success_redirect', 'stegvis_skjema_el_test',10,3);
function stegvis_skjema_el_test($url, $post_id, $form_data)
if ($form_data['id']==00)
$arr = array('content-template-id'=>111); //the step 2 CRED form template ID
$url = add_query_arg($arr, $url);
return $url;
the goal is : when submitting the create form " id = 00 " , would take me directly to the edit form " id = 11 " in the content template " id = 111 "
Instead : when submitting the create form " id = 00 " , nothing happens !!
(Ps : i've set the submitting action for the create form " id = 00 " to : Go to specific post , without mentioning it )
The problem you mentioned above is abnormal, please check these:
1) Check if there is any JS/PHP errors in your website:
2) In case it is a compatibility problem, please deactivate all other plugins, and switch to WordPress default theme 2021, and test again
3) Since it is a compatibility issue, if you need more assistance for it, please provide a test site with the same problem, fill website credentials in below private message box, also point out the problem page URL and for URLs, I need a live website to test and debug.
Thanks for ur reply
I guess i did it correctly but something isn't write ?
I will debug the systeme as u mentioned earlier and send u my feedback
Best regards
Please update here if you need more assistance for it.