Tell us what you are trying to do?
Company X have Service A, Service B, Service C.
Company Y have Service A, Service B.
General rating for X - 5 stars
General rating for Y - 4 stars
X is making better A, while Y is making better B.
A rating for X company: 4.5 stars and B rating for X company:3.0 stars
A rating for Y company: 2.0 stars and B rating for Y company:5.0 stars
What I need is a tool that would allow me to rate this services IN CONTEXT of the companies.
I have been playing around with parent-child relation in Toolset, but this not solves my problem, because if I create a child A for company B, then I do not have an easy way of comparing this child with children of B. Or do I ?
The other way to but it for standard WordPress components - I would like to have the ability to rate/add as bookmark/add as favourite a taxonomy term IN CONTEXT of specific post.
Is something like this possible with Toolset? Maybe someone had a similar problem? I searched for it, but could not find a solution.
What I need is a tool that would allow me to rate this services IN CONTEXT of the companies.
Hello, you could do this with a many-to-many (M2M) post relationship. When you create a M2M relationship you can add custom fields to the relationship itself. This would allow you to add a rank in the connection between Companies and Services.
Company X < - 4.5 - > Service A
Company X < - 3.0 - > Service B
Company Y < - 2 - > Service A
Company Y < - 5 - > Service B
See the documentation here for more information and examples:
Let me know if you have questions about M2M relationships.
With such setup it almost works with my default rating plugin 🙂 There is one problem.
When I created a relationship and wanted to display it, the name of the relationship appears as "Relation: 22 - 46", where 22 and 46 are the posts that are related. Is there a way to change it to display both titles of posts or the post of a child (preferred)?
On the front-end of the site, you can display either related post title instead of the intermediary post title. For example, when you insert the post link shortcode, use the "Post Selection" tab in the popup to select one of the related posts, and it will display that related post title instead. See the screenshot here for an example of choosing a related post in the Post Selection tab. If you want to display the child of one of these related posts, that's more complicated and you'll probably need a to use a View, since there can usually be more than one child of a parent post. I would need more information about this to provide more guidance.