I have duplicated View with Divi Builder Content Template in latest Views 2.7.3, but there seems to be some bug. I know there is this an issue about not assigned Divi Builder https://toolset.com/errata/divi-builder-editor-not-getting-assigned-to-a-duplicated-views-content-template/, which is still not resolved, so I have tried to "Stop using Divi Builder for this Content Template" in Duplicated View. It will display message "Before switching to Stop using Divi Builder for this Content Template, you should save the Loop item in XYZ Content Template.". The save button only hides the message, but does nothing.
Hello. Thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
Well - Yes, this issue is known to our Devs. I checked the internal ticket and this issue is set to be fixed with the views version 2.8 which is schedule to publish in near future. Please note there there is no ETA on it.