I am trying to:
I have created Post Forms for publishing and editing CPTs.
Whenever trying to add a featured image -- [cred_field field="_featured_image" output="bootstrap"] --, if the image comes from the "Media Library", it will not be saved after submitting/publishing. This does not happen if the image is added through "Upload Files".
Can you replicate this issue?
Have you tried the basic debug steps to see what is happening with this ? It could possibly be a plugin conflict, so I would recommend that you temporarily disable the non-toolset plugins and check again.
Thank you Shane. I didn't think it is because of plugins since I don't use many plugins apart from Toolset. I identified that this problem is caused by Wordfence Security. It is strange, since I have been working with this configuration for a while now and it happened out of the sudden. Should this be an issue to be reported to Toolset or to Wordfence?
Ok, so I was wrong on that. It was a coincidence with Wordfence Security. I only have Toolset active and the issue persists. It works for some images and it still does not work for some other images. It is really strange and annoying. I cannot find any errors. May it be related to image size or dimensions?!? I don't know...
So, I have a CPT named Public Profile.
If you go here: hidden link you should go Edit Profile (top left, beneath the title) and try setting the Logo image from the post form (it is the featured image of the CPT) as I have shown in the uploaded image earlier (post from July 12, 2019 at 6:52 am). The image should be saved as featured and displayed on the same page/content template in the top left (so after editing and saving, you can access hidden link again and see the featured image theoretically in the top left corner) -- but this doesn't work for some images (as the ones in the example. for one image it works, for the other it doesn't - maybe you try those two to see what I'm saying).