1. Does it work if you try to save anything else but the Template as condition, for example, to display the field group only on native post types?
If so, it is likely that you either migrated or somehow altered the Content Template ID.
That happens when you migrate a site, and after, those may present issues in that GUI, although the only problem I know of is that after migration you may have lost some settings there, if Content Templates where involved.
That can however be solved by re-saving them, so this would still be a new issue which I can currently not replicate
2. Does your Post Field group or any field/content template etc, involved here, hold any special characters in it's name/title?Special Characters may include Numbers, dash, other HTML syntax common characters, basically anything not-latin
If so, please remove those and try again.
If all that does not help, can you see if there are JS errors in the console, or PHP errors when you enable WP Debug, and if the issue as well persist when you disable all plugins but Toolset, and use a native WordPress theme?
Well - I see that the content template ID is same so no issue with that but this is really strange issue. I do not see with my local test site with minimum setup.
In order to minimize the cause of the issue:
Could you please try to resolve your issue by deactivating all third-party plugins as well as the default theme to check for any possible conflicts with any of the plugins or themes?
Do you see any difference while deactivating any third party plugin(s) or when you switch to default theme?
This produces a file error_log.txt in your WordPress root directory. Make sure that the web server can create and write this file. If it cannot, use an FTP program to create the file and make it writable to Apache (normally, the www-data user).
After this is enabled, all errors that occur when using your website’s front-end and backend, are logged into that error_log.txt file.
I have tried doing this but it doesn't seem to have written anything to the error_log.txt file, I manually made the file and gave it write permissions but nothing when I tried to repeat the action.
I noticed some errors relating to Toolset in the standard error_log file relating to PHP errors though should I send you this?
Also regarding the duplicator package for the site, how can I send you this I don't see a way to attach a file?
Here is the feedback from our 2nd tier supporters:
It has been confirmed as an exception(it means the problem only exists in your database dump file) and escalated to our developers, our developers are working on it, I will update here if there is any news of fix for it.
This is to notify you that the issue is fixed in the latest Types, Views version.
Please backup your website, update WordPress, all Toolset plugins to the latest versions and check if the issue has been fixed.
It will be nice if we received a confirmation from you that the issue has been fixed.
Hmm I can't seem to see the option to set the fields to appear on the specific template anymore?
Maybe its still not working correctly?
I want the fields to only load up when I am editing a specific page in wordpress, is this possible? This page as a specific content template that only that page uses so I thought it was - but maybe it isn't?
I would have thought it was though this is something plugins like ACF have done for a while.