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I have a CF in a post type that stores youtube urls. I am using a view to display them in a content template (IdvFly hidden link) but i want them to play in a pop-up. I believe Toolset does not have that functionality so am trying to use WP Video popup.
It requires a shortcode as follows [wp-video-popup video="hidden link"]
I've been trying to create a view that uses this code but uses my CF field in place of their URL in the code above. I am not a coder and can not seem to get it to work. Any help appreciated.
<!-- wpv-loop-start -->
<ul class="wpv-loop js-wpv-loop">
[wpv-view video_url = field="youtube" ]
[wp-video-popup video="$video_url"]
I assume we are talking about a custom embedded field "youtube" created with Toolset Types plugin, if it is, you can display the "youtube" field value with shortcode:
[types field='youtube' output='raw'][/types]
And use above shortcode in your shortcode, like this:
[wp-video-popup video="[types field='youtube' output='raw'][/types]"]
More help:
‘raw’=Display raw data stored in DB. No other formatting attributes