Hi there,
I am currently working on getting one of my templates set up correctly and have a few questions that I can't seem to figure out.
Current page - hidden link. I am attaching an image of what it will look like.
1. I want to add a link area bottom left to add in related stores. I would like to add a list of links. Preferred option is to show related stores by category taxonomy but I am also happy to just use a widget area. What do you recommend?
2. I want to add FAQ markup on the questions that are the bottom of the page. I need to put code on the page for each question and then customize the text for each question. I would likely do microdata option here (hidden link). Should I be handling this in a custom field on the store post type if I want it to be different?
3. I would like to have dynamic text inserted at the top of the page like this - "{Store Name} Coupon Codes". It will be the same on every page. How can I build this in a view so it is a single <h2> tag in the HTML? I can build side by side in columns but its a separate h2 heading.
4. If I want to add checkboxes for filtering posts on the category layout, how I i set up this criteria? Do I need to upgrade my account? I'm on presentation option right now.
Q1) You can add a view block in where you want "link area bottom left", with below settings:
- Query "Store" posts
- Filter by:
Select posts with taxonomy:
Categories the same as the page where this View is shown
- In view's loop, display the post link
More help:
You can also display above view in the sidebar, for example:
Dashboard-> Appearance-> Widgets, find and add a "WP Views" widget to a specific sidebar, and choose above post view.
Q2) I assume each store post has different FAQ items.
I suggest you try these:
1) Create a custom post type "FAQ"
2) Setup one-to-many relationship between post types "Store" and "FAQ"
3) Edit each "Store" post, add the related "FAQ" posts.
4) In a single "Store" post, you can follow our document to display the related "FAQ" post's information:
You will need to customize the outputs according to "microdata" document
Q3) You can display current store post title with shortcode:
Then use HTML codes to style it and add other static text after it as what you want.
Q4) You can follow our document to setup the custom search form: