Tell us what you are trying to do?
I'm using the toolset Fields and Text block to display a list of 'location' taxonomy terms associated with my CPT. While I can get the proper terms to show up as intended, the only order selection I have is Ascending or Descending so they are displaying in alphabetical order when I want them to show up in parent/child/hierarchical order.
This is a visual of how the parent/child taxonomy structure is set up in WP backend taxonomy for this CPT:
USA (parent)
-South (child)
--Virginia (grandchild)
--- Blue Ridge Highlands (great-grandchild 1)
--- Central Virginia (great-grandchild 2)
--- Southern Virginia (great-grandchild 3)
So I'm trying to get the terms to display like this:
USA, South, Virginia, Blue Ridge Highlands, Central Virginia, Southern Virginia
...they are actually displaying in alphabetical order like this:
Virginia, USA, Southern Virginia, South, Central Virginia, Blue Ridge Highlands
Is there any documentation that you are following?
I found a few older posts from 2-3 years ago, but I'm wondering if this is still the best way to tackle this issue given there's been quite a few updates in Toolset since then. Can you please advise on simplest way to achieve this?
Here's the older post I found: