I am trying to: I have a view for a post type 'Open Issues' that has a post form editor set up for each post to be edited on the front-end of the site. We just noticed an issue where only the first post in the filtered view will accept edits. Anything after that the changes will not go through.
Link to a page where the issue can be seen: hidden link
I have tried the credentials you provided above, it is not valid, I get this error:
ERROR: The password you entered for the username support-1 is incorrect
I suggest you check these:
1) Follow our document to setup the Edit post form and Edit form link:
Especially the "Edit form link", see section "Insert link to the Content Template that displays the form" of above document:
2) In case it is a compatibility problem, please deactivate other plugins, and switch to wordpress default theme 2019, and test again
Thanks Luo. The form was working correctly for the last 6 weeks or so (when I originally built it). I checked plugin and theme deactivations and no change.
I am using view 87 and form 917.
Can you please use the following for the user's password:
Thanks for the details, I can login your website and see the problem.
After I click the button "Edit 1. Schedule", I get these message:
There was an error while submitting the form
That means there might be some PHP errors in your website. Please try these:
1) In case it is a compatibility problem, please deactivate other plugins, and switch to wordpress default theme 2019.
2) Enable PHP debug mode, test again, copy and paste PHP debug logs here
3) If the problem persists, please provide database dump file(ZIP file) of your website, I need to test and debug it in my localhost, thanks
Thanks for the details, I am downloading the files, will update here if there is anything found
Here are what I found:
I can duplicate the same problem with a simple view and simple form, so it is not related with "unclosed wp-loop or div tag" issue
So I have escalated this thread, will update here if there is anything news.
Currently, I suggest you edit the edit form "Open Issues Editor, Active"(ID 917), disable option "Submit this form without reloading the page (use AJAX)", then after user submits this form, it will be able to refresh the page, and submit the form again.
Thanks. I did change that setting--but what we liked about it was that it was much quicker to not refresh the page and it kept the user at the same spot of the page. Now it goes back to top and has to reload.
Any progress?
It has been escalated to our developers, in the to-do list of Toolset form plugin version 2.2.2, but I am not sure when it will be released, you can also subscribe to our blog to get the updated news:
Thanks Luo. For now I did restore Toolset forms v. 2.2.1 and the previous functionality is restored.
Thanks for the feedback, I have added the new information into the to-do list, will keep on updating here if there is anything news.
This issue should had already been fixed in Toolset Forms plugin, please update here if there is still same problem. thanks