I am trying to: edit layout with visual composer I have installed and the button for it is not there like describe here: https://toolset.com/documentation/user-guides/using-toolset-with-wpbakery-page-builder/create-templates-for-custom-post-types/
your instructions is: You will be taken to the Content Template editor. Click on the WPBakery Page Builder button to design the template.
Click on Add Element, Add Text Block, or Add Templates to start creating your content template. In the Usage section, make sure that your content template is assigned to the correct custom post type, which is Tours in our example.
There is nos button available anywhere. I checked in wordpress pages editors and visual composer is available so it's working in other sections but not in Toolset.
I use Visual composer 5.4.7 and your last available version of Toolset and WordPress.
I just tested it in you website by below steps:
Dashboard-> Toolset-> Modèles de contenu
create a new "content template", I can see there is a button above the editor: WPBakery Page Builder
see screenshot wpb.JPG
Is it the button you are looking for?
If not, please describe detail steps for the problem, where and how can I see the problem? There is nos button available anywhere