I am using a custom WordPress structure for all of my websites. If you want to add a new plugin, you have to upload it using FTP.
My Plugin "Woof HomeCreator" is dependent on the "toolset types" plugin which was causing the that PHP issue. I just disabled my custom plugin too and now I can access the frontend and the backend too.
Hope it's working for you too.
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I took a duplicate of your site and installed it locally, but, unfortunately, duplicator doesn't maintain the custom site structure on the new install, it standardises the installation.
Which means that when I added Types and activated it, there were no PHP errors. It didn't matter whether your custom plugin was active or not, there were no errors.
There is not much more I can do, I will ask one of my colleagues to assist.
Please hold for further updates.
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First, can I clarify your last update, where you said you de-activated the custom "Woof HomeCreator" plugin. Does that mean that you can now activate Types and not get the PHP errors? Or that was a red herring?
If you still get the errors when Types is activated and no other plugins are active, I'm asked to get detailed steps from you to recreate your custom set up.
The intention is that I set up a WordPress installation on our servers with the same customisations to see if I can reproduce the issue, which should help identify which of the customisations is proving problematic.
So, please list step-by-step instructions to create an install which mirrors your set-up.
Hi there,
My issue "failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/210436.cloudwaysapps.com/bfmugawugq/public_html/releases/6/wp-content/plugins/types/vendor/toolset/toolset-common/utility/autoloader.php on line 116" is still happening.
I just set up a new website and toolset is still showing an error. I can share the web login details with you in the next reply if you can mark the next response as private.
hidden link
hidden link (error page)
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I've set up a private reply to get site credentials.
This new site uses a custom set-up or is a standard WordPress installation?
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Hi Leonard
Types 3.3 includes a fix for server environments that have problems with capitalisation of folders or filenames, and I think that should resolve your problem.
Can you update to 3.3 (manually, if needed) and then check again?
Hey there,
I just updated the toolset version to 3.3 and it's still showing the error.
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I just noticed that I don't have the debug info for your site to see the server configuration, could I get that from you: hidden link.
I'll need to hand this over to a colleague once I have that as there is not much more I am able to do.
I can not access the debug info because I am not able to login to admin area because of Toolset type error.
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Yes, of course, sorry about that.
Well let me re-assign this to my colleague Beda, as I've hit something of a dead-end.
Hi @leonardm-2, I have a few details that should help to solve this problem.
1. With Toolset Types 3.2 the folder mentioned in the error (AddRelationshipTableColumnAutodeleteIntermediaryPosts.php) was subject to a change in capitalization. Reverting to any previous Types version would solve the issue exactly because the capitalization changes were not made yet in the Plugin. With 3.2, the folder became a camelcase title, whereas before it was all lower case.
2. When using tools like git to auto-deploy via automated scripts from a case insensitive local or other systems, to a case sensitive hosting provider, then the Capitalization changes get lost in the process.
3. This then leads to the precise error you reported to us, and it's only possible to solve as below outlined:
- If using IIS then you can update to Types 3.3 and it'll solve the problem, see https://toolset.com/forums/topic/the-folder-command-command/
- if not using IIS but any other custom method affected by the case sensitive/insensitive issue, then the solution is not possible through an update of Types, instead, here it is suggested to use a sequence of bash commands that deletes the whole Types directory and clones it again before the deployment, so to avoid such capitalization issues.
Toolset's development process is case-sensitive and if when choosing non-standard WordPress plugin upgrade mechanism, you'd need to make sure the case-sensitivity is not a problem in the deployment.
As mentioned, our developers, in this case, suggested a deploy script that deletes/completely empties the plugin directory and then downloads the plugin again.
We can however not assist with such bash commands, in the Support Forum.
I am not sure what mechanisms you use, however, it's a custom process and the error is relatively clear, I can with high certainty confirm the issue you reported is due to this capitalization change.