Site is live again, I've been hit by a tedious bot and I shut it down to save my server resources.
Please let me know if you stop needing it again
Good to know that new posts will work but the issue is with current post not showing
I updated the post, even deleted and restore them all an the issue is the same, the do not show in pagination
I've even tried to delete the cpt and the posts and reimporting them. The is definitely the posts themselves because if new posts show up and if I re-create the existing ones they show as well.
Right now the best workaround I can think of is to duplicate the posts that are not working into a new post. I've installed the duplicate post plugin on your test site and once I hit "Clone" the clone showed up in the pagination.
I've made 3 website using this method and all have the same issue so I guess the problem is the plugin itself
I already contacted the plugin support and have to make some more testing with the new beta version to find out if the issue is solve
Thanks again for your time and patience.
Please let me leave the ticket open until I finish my testings. This may be useful for other users I guess
The plugin Ultimate CSV Importer Pro is aware of the issue and they will solve it in the next update. They did the same in the past for a different issue so I guess this will be solved soon.