Dear Mr. Luo Yang,
fortunately, I've pushed my colleagues to change the view and now the structure is much easier and WP compatible:
There is going to be only ONE user registration – the teacher is going to register one user account and going to do ALL the work on the website. Students are not going to sign in at all.
There are the steps:
Step 1. User Registration: The teacher makes the user registration of him/herself. That's easy.
Step 2. Team's registration/submission (Post Form): The teacher is going to fill the form with the names of the student's team (no other users are needed - just the names of the students). The teacher can create several teams (A, B, C, D etc.). That's easy.
My problem: There is going to be the deadline (expiration): after this deadline, the teacher can't create any new teams BUT already submitted teams are going to be visible/useable but NOT editable. I'm following this documentation So I can choose the date of the expiration. Great. I am just not sure about the form's status after the expiration. As I already mentioned the teacher should use the form's content (team's names and data) for Project's registration (Step 3) before and also after the expiration' date but he/she can't register any new team after the expiration. So may I use "published" status in this case?
Step 3. Project's registration/submission (Post Form): The teacher is going to fill/submit the form of the team's project.
I've already made this form with your help, which is working fine. There are already "Save" and "Close the Submission" buttons. Thanks again!)
My problem: There is the only change for this Post Form: at the beginning of the form there has to be the selection field with the already created teams: A, B, C etc. This is a required field because the teacher has to declare/select the authors (students' names) of the project.
When the teacher chooses the right team then the Content of the Team's registration Post Form (Step 2) is going to display in this Project's Post Form (so we can see student's name and other data of selected team at the beginning of Project's Post Form) and the teacher can continue to fill the other data of student's project.
So I don't know how to display the Content of some Post Form inside some other Post Form.
Many thanks for your help and suggestion!