Hello, I see the screen recording and I think I understand what you would like to achieve. There's nothing exactly this type of input field structure built-in to Toolset Forms, so you must create it with custom code in the Form Builder, using Expert Mode. I would begin by hard-coding the HTML for the design directly in the Form builder. To access term field values, use the Types termmeta shortcode as explained in our documentation here: https://toolset.com/documentation/customizing-sites-using-php/functions
For example, to get the color code HEX and SUDU level numbers you would use the following shortcode syntax:
HEX: [types termmeta="color-code-hex" output="raw" term_id="123"][/types]<br />
SUDU: [types termmeta="sudu-level" output="raw" term_id="123"][/types]
I am assuming the field slugs are color-code-hex and sudu-level so you may need to adjust those. The term_id attribute should match the term ID you want to display. Another example showing how you might use the hex value in a CSS style attribute as the background color behind the SUDU level text:
<div style='height:30px; width:30px; color:#000; background-color:[types termmeta="color-code-hex" output="raw" term_id="123"][/types]; padding:10px; margin:0;'>[types termmeta="sudu-level" output="raw" term_id="123"][/types]</div>
So you'll use those types of shortcodes to build the HTML for the form elements. The term description is not easily available with any Toolset shortcode. I have seen another ticket with an example custom shortcode you can use for the same purpose:
add_shortcode('get-term-desc', 'get_term_desc');
function get_term_desc($atts) {
$term_id = $atts['id'];
$tax_slug = !empty($atts['tax'])?$atts['tax']:'post_tag';
return term_description($term_id, $tax_slug);
Use it like this with the term ID and subjective distress taxonomy slug:
[get-term-desc id="123" tax="distress-taxonomy-slug"][/get-term-desc]
Then you will use the Forms PHP API to set the correct term for the new posts created by the Form, based on the User's selected field term value.
To create the input fields in the Form, you can use basic HTML radio inputs like these, where the value for each radio input is equal to the term ID:
Term 1: <input type="radio" name="custom-distress-taxonomy" value="123" />
Term 2: <input type="radio" name="custom-distress-taxonomy" value="456" />
Term 3: <input type="radio" name="custom-distress-taxonomy" value="789" />
I chose the name "custom-distress-taxonomy", but that is arbitrary. Then you can use our Forms API cred_save_data to add the correct term to the new post. Here is an example showing how to use this API to get the value of the selected radio field and use it to set a taxonomy term on the new post:
// set custom taxonomy term in new post based on selected generic radio input
// https://toolset.com/forums/topic/modify-layout-for-post-form/
add_action('cred_save_data', 'tssupp_set_distress_level',10,2);
function tssupp_set_distress_level($post_id, $form_data) {
$forms = array( 123 );
$taxonomy = 'distress-taxonomy-slug';
$radio_field_slug = 'custom-distress-taxonomy';
// you should not edit below this line
if ( in_array( $form_data['id'], $forms ) )
$distress_term_id = isset($_POST[$radio_field_slug]) ? $_POST[$radio_field_slug] : 0;
if( $distress_term_id ) {
wp_set_object_terms($post_id, $distress_term_id, $taxonomy, false);
Replace 123 with the numeric ID of the Form that creates new posts. Replace distress-taxonomy-slug with the slug of the Subjective Distress taxonomy, and replace custom-distress-taxonomy with the radio input slug if you chose a different input field name in the Form builder.