I am trying to:
Upload media and insert the uploaded media in to the post_content using a toolset form.
I expected to see:
After the upload is finished I expect to see the newly uploaded media in the media library and the "Insert Into post" as a blue clickable button.
(see first picture)
Instead, I got:
The uploaded media is not visible in the media library (although the upload is succesfull) and the "Insert into Post" button is greyed out and not clickable.
(see second picture)
The problem only occurs when the Featured Image field is present in the form.
(see thirdpicture)
I have tried it in a fresh WP installation + the latest version of Toolset plugins, it works fine, I can upload images and insert them into post content without any problem. See my screenshot insert-image.JPG
Which user role are you using to submit the post form?
Did you get any JS errors in your website?
Please provide detail steps to duplicate the same problem.
I tried this on a localhost as a super_admin with the role administrator.
I have the latest version of WP.
(see image_1)
I have the latest versions of the toolset plugins.
(see image_2)
And the following plugins are active (I deactivated all others):
Toolset Forms
Toolset Types
Toolset Views
I did not receive any JS errors (just some verbose comments).
(see image_3)
So the steps that I did are:
1. Create a toolset form that publishes new posts (I used the defaults from the wizard).
2. Insert the toolset form inside a page.
3. Visit the page with the form.
4. Upload an image using the "add media" button.
5. After the upload is complete I see what you can see in the third image that I added.
The problem only occurs when the "Featured Image" input field is present in the toolset form.
If I remove the "Featured Image" input field from the form there is no problem at all.
Also, if the infinite scroll inside the media library is triggered after I upload the picture, than the uploaded picture suddenly appears in the media library and the "insert into post" button turns blue and clickable.
I hope you can help debug further, but I understand that's difficult if you cannot reproduce the problem.
I will also investigate further.
The issue with the developers, and it is on the current development board so should be worked on fairly soon.
I've asked that once fixed a patch is made available so that you don't have to wait for the final plugin release. As soon as that's available I'll share it with you.
The issue has been fixed, I'm not sure when the updated plugin itself will be released, but in the meantime you can use this patch: hidden link
Unzip the archive and copy the file public/js/media_manager.js to the same location (overwriting the existing file) within the /plugins/cred-frontend-editor/ folder.
I think we can close here, if you can confirm the fix works.
By the way, there is an update of Forms due soon and this fix is too late to be included, so if you update Forms you will need to re-apply this patch until the fix is included in the following plugin release.