This is the page we created: hidden link.
We added a map.
Following dynamic source is applied to the marker.
> Post Source: current page.
> Source: Groep voor introducties.
> Field: "Locatie" (location).
However the location is not shown on the map.
Thank you for contacting us and I'd be happy to assist.
When the post source for the map marker is set to the current page, it will look for the "Locatie" field from the page where this map block is added, which in this case is the "Introducties ingelogde gebruiker" page. But the "Locatie" value for this page is empty.
( screenshot: hidden link )
If you'd like to get the "Locatie" field values from the "Introducties" posts from the view below, then the source of the marker needs to be set to "View block".
( screenshot: hidden link )
We have already been trying this.
Th eproblem is that "View block" > "Introductie ingelogde gebruiker" does not load the field "locatie".
Thanks for writing back.
The "Locatie" field from the field group "Groep voor introducties" is not showing in the dropdown, because it is a single line type field and not an address type field.
( ref: hidden link )
To be able to plot map markers, you'll need to add it as an address field, or you can add a new address type field named "Locatie Address" and use that for map markers.
My issue is resolved now. Thank you!