We have a problem with the Map Icon clustering functionality.
When you first view the map, all the icons are correctly clustered, however if you then click on a Cluster Icon to 'zoom' into that specific location to view the individual icons, they have all vanished!
You can see this happening at hidden link
Interestingly, when we go into edit the map block on a page, the map first displays, however if we click on it to make it the 'active' block so we can then edit the settings, we get this error message - 'This block has encountered an error and cannot be previewed'
1) How can we resolve the clustering zoom problem?
2) Correct the error so we can edit the maps in the future?
If we go into code view, this is the map code that was generated when we first added the map block
That erratum includes a patch. Could you apply the patch and then test again. You should be able to edit the page and see the map block working.
Does it also fix the other issue? (I suspect not, but please apply the patch first. The fix should be available soon, we are just waiting on the Systems team to approve and press the button.)
Good that you can see the problem, which we also thought was very odd LOL. It was definitely all working OK 4-5 months ago.
Thanks for the link to the patched JS file. I uploaded to the server and that has certainly sorted the error message on the block editor.
However your assumption was spot on and it has NOT fixed the other problem.I thought that if i switched off Clustering then all the icons would display, but what happens is that NO icons display.
However, the 'clustering' icons are not the problem and yes they display. But try clicking on one of the cluster icons. The next map page, which opens and should show the individual icons, which make up the cluster is blank - NO icons are being displayed.
I tried switching off the clustering option and this had the same outcome - NO icons displayed.
*** Please make a FULL BACKUP of your database and website.***
I would also eventually need to request temporary access (WP-Admin and FTP) to your site. Preferably to a test site where the problem has been replicated if possible in order to be of better help and check if some configurations might need to be changed.
I have set the next reply to private which means only you and I have access to it.
Thank you for looking at this so quickly and confirm that is it fixed 🙂
Glad it was an easy thing to sort. But how bizarre, as these were all working and we had uploaded a custom icon, which if you look at the code higher up this thread is listed - mapMarkerIcon":"//cstgs.cms-web.solutions/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/google_map_marker_accommodation.png
Will checkout what you have done and 're-add' the custom markers to the various map pages.