OK, this is not so much a bug but rather a "thank goodness"and looking for insight. We had out main website and cloned it. We needed to separate it out in to main and child domain. All went well. The first site is working great and so is the second site. However, we noticed one issues. All pages, courses, blog post no longer showed any line breaks on the front end. We could see then in the admin however, We did notice is we opened the content in the block editor and add a paragraph block that the content would then display breaks again. But if we reverted back to the classic editor the breaks (while displayed in the WYSIWYG) were not displayed on the front end. We toggled plugins, themes, settings, caches, re-uploaded WP, and everything to no avail. And what is odd this is an exact clone of our first site which is working fine.
So here comes Toolset. I made a quick Content Template and applied it to the content types and all line breaks show. This is great solution, but i am confused as to why Toolset fixes it and the default WP display is broken.
Perhaps you have some insight if you ever seen anything like this before?
Thank you!!
According to the description you provided above, there should be some other plugins/theme in your website break the block editor, I suggest you check the compatibility issues in your website, for example:
1) Make sure you are using the latest version of plugins/theme
2) In case it is a compatibility problem, please deactivate all other plugins, and switch to wordpress default theme 2021, deactivate all custom PHP/JS code snippets, and test again
Try to locate the problem plugin/theme
Thank you, yes, we already ran through those steps. We will keep poking around. Thank you and happy New Year!
My issue is resolved now. Thank you!