Hi I am using the Buddy Boss theme and it is not feasible for me to switch themes because of the deep integration and styling that is a part of the theme. That said, I am building the rest of my site pages with the Block Editor and Toolset Blocks. The major issue i am experiencing is that I can not get a full width block to actually go full width, this is because Buddy Boss theme is interfering or overriding this feature because the theme itself is NOT nor does it support full width pages (outside of using the Elementor PaIge Builder). Since I am not using Elementor and since the Toolset Page templets do not work with elementor out of the box... I really want to use the native block builder for page building... but I want to be able to add full width elements to both pages and Toolset Single Template Posts.
I tried reaching out to Buddy Boss but they were not much help. I also tried using CSS to override the BB theme Site-wide Page and Post Templates to make it full width but that affected the entire site which was a huge mess.
Do you have any work arounds or suggestions on exactly what I should tell Buddy Boss I need in order for the Toolset Page Builder Elements to function as expected? I have also tried full width options on a regular page using block editor adn I can not get a those to go full width either so the issue does not seem to be specific to Toolset but with the Block Editor and BB Theme.