Tell us what you are trying to do? I'm trying to use the new Divi 4.0 theme builder instead of Toolset Content Template.
Well, I have 4 related CPT's with one to many option. Nazione => Regione => Provincia => Comune => Articolo.
Now, using the following code in the Toolset Content Template
L'evento [wpv-conditional if="( '[data-oggi]' lt '[data-oggi-totimestamp date_field='data-inizio']' )"]si svolgerà[/wpv-conditional][wpv-conditional if="( '[data-oggi]' gte '[data-oggi-totimestamp date_field='data-inizio']' ) AND ( '[data-oggi]' lt '[data-oggi-totimestamp date_field='data-fine']' )"]è in corso[/wpv-conditional][wpv-conditional if="( '[data-oggi]' gte '[data-oggi-totimestamp date_field='data-fine']' )"]si è svolto[/wpv-conditional] a {!{wpv-view name='sono-di-evento' wpvrelatedto='{!{wpv-post-id}!}'}!}
I should see "L'evento si è svolto a [Comune], in [Provincia] ([Regione], [Nazione]).
But, using this code into the new Divi 4.0 Theme Builder I have "L’evento si è svolto a No items found".
What could be the issue and what should I do to silve it?
Hi Shane, Thank you.
What was the issue and what should I do to not have it again with other Views?
So, for the conditional logic, see the attached images, one of the Post layout, and the second of the Front End editor build with Form.
So, the conditional logics I have used are concatenated. The first conditional logic I have used is about the author membership levels created by Ultimate Membership Pro plugin, and the value in the conditional logic is generated by a Custom Shortcode [abbonamento] and you can find it on the Toolset stettings => Custom Code => livello-autore.
The others Conditional Logics are set about if the custom fields are empty or not.
I have changed [/wpv- conditional] to {!{/wpv-conditional}!} at "Organizzatore" but nothing happens...
Are not diaplayed any custom fields value inside the conditional logics...
I was able to identify the major conflict as you say and it has to do with our shortcodes not rendering the correct data when using the latest divi version.
I've already reported it to our 2nd tier supporters as well as with a copy of a fresh install that clearly illustrates the issue that you are experiencing as well.
I will let you know any updates with this.
However for now the solution for you is to revert to an older version of divi if possible.
Hi Shane,
I report you here what have written me the Elegant Theme support about the Toolset compatibility:
"I'm afraid that this is an entire integration of 2 plugins with the Theme Builder and, at the moment, we don't know exactly where the problem starts.
While we would to help, I'm afraid that we're not familiar with how those 2 plugins work and with the custom implementation, I'd recommend you to take the code step by step and see where it fails, so we know exactly where the problem starts to happen (in which piece of the code).
The toolset shortcodes seem to render and work just fine in the Theme Builder, so the problem is somewhere in the custom shortcodes or maybe with the other 3rd party plugin, however, I'm afraid that we can't do troubleshooting for 3rd party plugins, as it's not our product and we're not familiar with their code.
Cristi profile
If the plugin developers can point us to exactly what's causing the problem in the Divi Builder or the Theme Builder, our developers can check the problem and fix it, however, at the moment, it's just a custom implementation and lots of custom shortcodes / functions of 3rd party plugins that are created by 3rd party plugins and not by Divi."
Indeed to seems that divi is breaking the custom shortcodes. Unfortunately i'm not able to fix the custom shortcodes since it is not a part of our Toolset package.
However I know that our team is working on the newly disovered compatibility issues with divi.
Unfortunately no fix update as yet, however our team has made contact with the divi team and they were already aware of this issue, so they should be creating a fix as well.