I am trying to: Create a new archive model for my new post type but it loads instead the default theme archive model.
Plus, when I'm using the WPBakery Page Builder for creating a new template for the single post type, there are problems and it doesn't seem to work fine: e.g. on load, theme_backend_localized_data is not defined.
We don't need your plugin as it doesn't work how we expected it.
Dear FifthI,
Thanks for the feedback, but it is a compatibility problem, in order to debug this problem, we need to duplicate same problem , please follow our document to provide a copy of your website, also point out the problem page URL, I need to debug it in my localhost, thanks
Thanks for the details, I tried the credentials you provided above, but get this error message:
hidden link
403 - Forbidden Error
I can not download the file "installer.php" with the URL you provided above:
hidden link
Please provide a downloadable URL for it, I suggest you put it into your own google drive disk, and share the link.
And I can download other two files, in order to duplicate same problem, please provide the file "installer.php", also point out the problem page URL for the original question:
when I'm using the WPBakery Page Builder for creating a new template for the single post type, there are problems and it doesn't seem to work fine: e.g. on load, theme_backend_localized_data is not defined.
I need to debug it in my localhost, and we can handle the questions one by one, thanks