Quick question, I want to install a reference site, at the link below it says:
"Framework Installer requires a blank site and will erase your current content when installing a new reference site. Check the boxes that give your consent to this erasure and that confirm you have created a backup of your data:"
This does not mean it will delete existing posts, pages, installed themes right? I already have a bunch of other plugins, the Astra theme, and some content pages created. Just want to make sure they won't get deleted.
For clarity yes all your data will be delete, this means existing content that you have. The reference site is made to be installed on a brand new wordpress installation and then further customized from there.
The best thing I can recommend is that you export your existing website's content itself, then re-import the data into your website once you've setup the Reference site then you can just re-import your existing data and adopt the data to the website.