I am attempting to create a content template for a Single Post using Gutenberg. Can I just check what is the recommended way of adding fields.
The issue I am having is that I am trying to add 2 fields Post Type and Post Title that sit next to each other. The issue is that Gutenberg is treating these as the same element. I want Post Type to be White and Post Title to be blue but whenever I change the color for one it changes the color for both (see screenshot).
Is it recommended to go switch editing mode to html and add classes directly? or is there a better/ recommended way of doing this?
Hi Minesh - thanks for getting back to me. The issue is that I want them next to each other (see screenshot). Unless I am totally missing something doing it this way they are block level elements and so they stack (see screenshot)
So in the classic editor I would have added the 2 short codes and wrapped each one in a span tag to target the colours.
If you want the fields next to each other, you should add a grid or columns block and within grid/columns block add single line field block one after another grid/column.