Nigel and Minesh worked on this site recently, so I prefer them, they know the site and case well.
Toolset (Nigel) still has admin access to this site, added in topic:
You can check my form in question after logging in, checking and clicking any Brand or Brand Post's "Create a New Post" link.
I think it is rather difficult for a user to figure out how to do it, how to get info about ALL their Context options.
I try to set it up by tweaking argument values according to this:
I'd like to improve the following:
- help users get to know all the possible Context (flat custom taxonomy) values they can select from ( 20+ ).
There is an argument: type,
where we only know one possible value: "show_popular", that shows what it means: the popular values of Context.
I tested:
[cred_field field='context' force_type='taxonomy' output='bootstrap' class='form-control' placeholder="You can add more..."]
[cred_field field="context_popular" taxonomy="context" type="show_popular"]
where I modified it to:
but that doesn't work, doesn't show all possible context values.
- Also, I added:
placeholder="You can add more..."
to make it more clear for them what they can do, but it is not displayed.
In docs it's written:
"placeholder. Optional. Text to be used as a placeholder (HTML5) for text fields. Defaults to none."
So 'placehoder' work only with text fields. In my case also would be useful.
- My 3rd improvement idea is to set "Show Popular" Context area shown by default: it may be more helpful, more intuitive for unexperienced users.
- 4th is: "Show Popular" is above "Add" button (at least optionally). It makes more sense for me that way...
Not necessarily all issues above should be solved, so first let's solve the easier ones, it might be good enough improvement.
Generally, pls. Toolset, modify, improve docs (like one linked above), by adding ALL possible field argument values with short explanations.
For example 'taxonomy', 'type', etc. misses that.
Thank you!