I think I created successfully the post fields associated to the post type HOUSE.
However when I create a new "house", none of the post field are displayed to be filled. I do not see your "visibility" option anywhere...
I can create an admin access for you to check.
Which one can I use ?
Thank you very much,
Hi, please try these troubleshooting steps first:
1. Scroll to the top right corner of the House edit page in wp-admin. Click the "Screen Options" tab to open the panel. Check here to see if the field group is enabled. If not, please check it and reload the page.
2. If that does not resolve the problem, please temporarily deactivate all plugins except Types. Temporarily activate the default theme Twenty Seventeen. Test again. If the problem was resolved, reactivate your theme and other plugins one by one until the problem returns.
3. Open the browser console and watch for any errors displayed when you reload the page.
Let me know the results and we can go from there.
I still have issues with Toolset Type.
In my Toolset Dashboard is displayed Accomodation (which is a post type from the plugin Hbook) with a field group associated.
However it is not present in the tab "Toolset/post types" and not displaying in my "Accomodation" items...
Could you please take a look on what is wrong or what I didn't do correctly ?
Can I send you privately my login info ?
Custom post types created by 3rd-party plugins are not editable by Toolset Types, so you will not see them in Toolset > Post Types. If you use WooCommerce, for example, it is not possible to edit the WooCommerce Products custom post type. I will be glad to take a look at the problem where your custom field group is not appearing in the Accommodations post editor. You can send login info in the private reply fields here.
I don't see anything obviously wrong in your wp-admin area. I would like to run some additional tests with the HBook plugin, but I do not have a copy to work with. Could you please provide link to download the plugin Zip file in the private reply fields? I will install the same plugin on my local site and run some additional tests.
Okay I was able to export your Types data and import it into another site with HBook active, and I can see the custom fields appear in Accommodation posts. So I think something is going on with your site's caching system. Can you log in with FTP and go to the /wp-content/ directory, then temporarily rename the advanced-cache.php file to be advanced-cache.php.bak, and rename object-cache.php file to be object-cache.php.bak? Then reload the Accommodation editor page in wp-admin. Let me know if the problem is resolved. If not, revert those filename changes.
I'll ask to WordPress as I do not have access to these files. It's a WordPress.com site...
Okay if not, see if they can clear those caches for you.
Thanks a lot !
It was the cache issue. They cleared it and now it appears !
Thanks !
Excellent. Good luck with your project.
Please confirm this ticket as resolved if the problem is fixed. Thanks!
My issue is resolved now. Thank you!