My product images are showing as thumbnails. I want them to show at their full size. I tried the css given in another thread that used Divi since this is my theme, only I changed gallery to image thinking it would work. It didn't. I've tried selecting other size options when setting up the shortcode but nothing is working. If there is other css I should be using could you give it to me?
As well, I would recommend to test this with no other plugins and another theme just to confirm that you do not deal with a conflict
Cache mechanisms can also heavily affect sizes of images displayed (since cached)
Please let me know if the issue persist after all above steps.
I de-activated plugins, disabled bootstrap, tried various shortcodes and the only way I can get the product image to show full size is if I have a single column text module. I need it to be two columns though because I have content I need to put next to the image. If I give you admin credentials to the website can you fix it for me?
The username is flywheel and the password is straight-edge. If you have any further issues logging in I'll just give you my wordpress login and password. Thanks