Hi Kristof,
Thank you for sharing the update and the access details.
During testing, I noticed that some of the images in the slider are too small originally to be resized and stretched to fit the specified width and height.
To make a mixed sized image slider work, I'll recommend a different approach:
1. Please update your markup in the view's content template form:
<div class="flexslider" style="margin-bottom:20px">
<ul class="slides">
[wpv-for-each field="wpcf-image-gallery"]
<li>[types field='image-gallery' title='%%TITLE%%' alt='%%ALT%%' width='690px' height='400px' resize='stretch' separator=', '][/types]</li>
<div class="flexslider" style="margin-bottom:20px">
<ul class="slides">
[wpv-for-each field="wpcf-image-gallery"]
<li style="background-image: url('[types field='image-gallery' output='raw' title='%%TITLE%%' alt='%%ALT%%' size='full'][/types]');"></li>
The above markup will call each image, as a background image of the slider and not as an img tag.
2. To make sure all slides have a proportional width and height, you can include following script in the "JS editor" tab, under the "Loop Editor" section:
function myfunction() {
jQuery( ".flexslider .slides" ).each(function(i, li) {
var contWidth = jQuery(li).width();
var contHeight = Math.round(contWidth / 1.725);
jQuery( li ).height(contHeight);
3. As the last step, you can include the following CSS code in the "CSS editor" tab, under the same "Loop Editor" section:
.flexslider .slides {
overflow: hidden;
.flexslider .slides li {
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: 50% 50%;
background-size: contain;
This will make sure all images are shown center aligned and without exceeding the set slider area width.
Note: you can replace "background-size: contain;" with "background-size: cover;", if you'd like the images to always fill the slider area completely, but some part of images will not show in that case.
I hope this helps and please let me know how it goes.