I am trying to: Add an image in a repeatable group image field.
I expected to see: After updating the page, I expect the image to be there.
Instead, I got: After updating the page, only the image doesn't save.
I created a repeatable field with an image field and a WYSIWYG field. When I add an image, a thumbnail shows, but when I click "Update" and open the field group again, the image is gone. I've shut off all plugins and enabled the default theme and even tried the site on a different server and the problem persists. Debug info is from a live hosting server. I am using image fields elsewhere in this site (NOT in repeatable fields) with no problems.
Thanks for the details, I can login your website, please point out the problem page URL, where and how I can see the problem:
After updating the page, only the image doesn't save.
I need to test it in a live website, thanks
hidden link
In Page Layout Modules > Page Modules > The Benefits of the DVBA Model Home Signs you'll see "Module Image"
After some experimenting, I've found that it seems to be related to the order of the field groups. If I put "Model Home Signs" first, the problem doesn't happen, but when I put "Model Home Signs" second, below "Top Full Width", I cannot update the image.
I just added a checkbox to the other module to toggle the title on and off and the same problem applies. If it is in the top position, I can tick the checkbox and save it, but if it's moved to the second position, the checkbox won't save.
I'm also missing most of the buttons on the WYSIWYG field, but that may be a separate issue.
I have tried the credentials you provided above, it is not valid, I get this error:
ERROR: Invalid username
Please check it.
If there isn't other compatibility problem, you can provide the database dump file only. I can debug it in my localhost, thanks
Thanks for the details, I can duplicate the same problem with your database dump file, and have escalated it, will update this thread if there is anything news.
Here is the feedback from our 2nd tier supporters:
It has been put into our to-do list as a bug, our developers are working on it, it should be fixed in the next version of Types plugin.
Here is the feedback from our developers, it is fixed in next version of Types plugin 3.1, but I am not sure when will it be released, you can subscribe to our blog to get the updated news:
Types plugin version 3.1 is released, you can download it here:
Please test and feedback if the problem is fixed.
My issue is resolved now. Thank you!