I have post type "university" with custom fields "Original-Title" and I want to show it on frontend HTML for seo reason in <title> and description meta.
Is it possible to change title and description meta by some hook/filter and use there check for post type and combine some post metas like post-title and custom fields "original-title"
Post title: "London Universität"
"original-title": "London University"
so, I want to show title like this:
"London Universität - London University - university information"
and description metatag as "Some information about London Universität (London University)"
Hi, Toolset doesn't offer any APIs to help you manipulate page title and other SEO information directly, but you might be able to use a 3rd-party plugin like Yoast to do this. Their plugin offers an API that can be used to create custom placeholders, which you can program to display custom field information in the post metadata. Here's the documentation for that API:
Here's another ticket that discusses how to create custom placeholders for the contents of a View:
In your case, you could use the Types Field shortcode API to display information from a custom field or fields.
Click "+More info" beneath any field type to display code examples.
Hi Christian,
Thanks for your response on this. I would like to hire a 3rd party developer to perform this task for me (editing a title using Yoast API & the Types Field shortcode API to display information from a field in the title). Would you be available or would you be able to recommend the type of developer that is best suited for this task?
Thank you