Tell us what you are trying to do?
I want to create an RSVP CPT for an existing Events CPT that I built. Events are only accessible to logged-in users (via Memberpress), so by default, any user that sees a single Events CPT instance will be logged in as a WP user.
I believe I already partially understand what's required to do:
1. Create the RSVP CPT
2. Create a one-to-many relationship where a single Event CPT can have many instances of the RSVP CPT
What's unclear to me and I would appreciate guidance on is:
1. What's the best way to associate WP users to an RSVP CPT?
Should I abandon trying to do this in Toolset and just purchase and instead, just install plugin?
In the single "Event" post, you can display a child post form for creating new "RSVP" post, let your WP user to create their own "RSVP" post, the "RSVP" post authors are different WP users, so WP users are connected with the "RSVP" post, each WP user can have multiple "RSVP" posts.
Create a new WP page, for example "My RSVP posts", display a post view:
- Query RSVP posts
- Filter by post author is same as current logged-in user
- In view's loop, display RSVP post information