I had someone build me exactly what I wanted, but now I need to reuse it for a different item. So instead of Dogs I want to use it for horses. There are a few fields I need to rename or make new. What steps do I need to take to make these changes without ruining the entire set up. I'm afraid I will.
Also I want to flip the image from left to right on the views page. And replace a few of the fields and limit ones shown, and have all the fields show on the single page.
How do you setup the screenshot as you mentioned above: hidden link
With custom PHP codes or with Views content template?
If it is custom PHP codes, you will need to contact the author of those custom codes, check if it is possible and how to format/style as want you want.
I'm seeing all that and I think it was all done maybe with views. Not php.
So if I want to change Dogs to Horse, can I just change that, or need to create a new type?
Also the fields? Just rename or create new and delete the ones I don't need?
Is there anyway you can see my site? I don't want to share my credentials public.
Thanks for the details, I can login into your website.
I assume we are talking about this page: hidden link
Yes, you are right, all are setup with Toolset plugins, it seems that you do not familiar with Toolset settings, so I suggest you try to create another set of settings, use existed settings as reference.
3) Create a post view
- query "Horse for Sale" posts,
- and display "Horse for Sale" post information, just like the existed post view of your website: hidden link
- in section "Loop Editor", follow our document to format the view's outputs with Bootstrap grid layout: https://toolset.com/documentation/user-guides/view-layouts-101/#bootstrap
4) Create another page and display above post view, just like the existed page: hidden link
I did try to duplicate this set up but made a mess of it. That is why I migrated this set up to my site, hoping I could just change the names of the fields and post type and insert the table. Would that work? Because when I tried before, I must have missed some things, because it looked nothing like this one.
Since you have my credentials can you look again : hidden link
I have duplicated the working site and renamed the parts with horse instead of dogs. It is getting there, but not everything is showing correctly.
Some fields are not showing. Can you please look at what I've done to advise or tell me where to go to correct things.
I have the new Add a Horse page to enter the new names, etc. Then Horses for Sale is my new page to show them.
Nothing from the horses info I entered is showing at all. Only the dog information. hidden link
I also want to flip the image on the first page from left to right.
I created all the fields for the hierarchy table but none of those fields are showing and I need to know how to get the short codes and install that table. What page or area exactly do I do that?
Not all my fields have text. Not sure where it is going.
I need the fields and text on the left: (see fields below) with the image on the right.
Name of Horse
Lot No.
Then Read more button
Then on Single Page, List all my Fields/Text buttons plus more images, videos and the Pedigree table.
Pedigree Table needs to have a border and more spaced out. Don't know how or where to achieve this.
Thanks so much. It is looking how I want it to look.First page looks great.
The 2nd page, single page, isn't showing any information now. I'm curious to see how it looks on that page.
When I see it how can I work on the pedigree table with borders and more spacing? I created a table so I could use the code, but not sure where and how to do that. hidden link
Is there a way to have the pedigree table coded to be on the submission page so the client can enter the text inside the "box" rather than in just a single text entry vertically? Just thought it would look nice. But for now, I need to see how the rest of the entries will look with more pictures, video and the rest of the fields. Why are they not showing?
I did go to edit my post. (all my previously entered content was gone)
I went to this page: to edit layout. But there is nothing I can see or do here.
I actually copied the Dog For Sale Template that was on the site, so I don't know how to set it up.
I am not using layouts because of the theme I'm using. Sorry I cannot see this. No visual editor.
Actually I just did a test puppy that had been working fine and you cannot see that single page either. What happened to that page. I've been trying to duplicate these pages.
I'm so distraught after trying for a week now.