I am trying to create a colorpicker with repeating field. creating the fields is not a problem.
my problem is that i am creating the content template to show it on the front end using Visual composer.
when i insert the shortcode of the colorpicker "[types field='colour-fields' separator=', '][/types]" field i dont get the color rendered as a square or circle with the chosen color, all i can see is the number of the HEX code.
How can i style and show squares or circles on the front end from the chosen colorpicker of the post?
Please see attachment of what i am trying to achieve
Is there any documentation that you are following?
i tried to read in your Documentation but i get lost since i am new in using toolset
Hello. Thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
Well - Color picker stores hexadecimal RGB color code in database and that is why it will give you hexadecimal color code value on the frontend. There is no feature available to display color picker filed value as square or circle.