Thanks Mr.Loo Yang.
I'm reviewing the first of your suggestions.
According to your advice,
I have to make one-to-many relationship between "City" and "Restuarant".
So it seems that if someone select a city, he can see "Restuarant" from "Custom Search",
where he can choose the desired "Food Type".
But in my opinion, If I make it this way,
I think I have to create a separate page for each "CITY"
someone(visitant) enter "CITY"'s page,
If so, it seems that he would be able to find "Restaurant" by accessing the "City" page
to find the restaurant he was looking for, searching for the "Food type" he wanted.
Did I understand correctly?
If what I understand is correct, your idea is really great.
But what I intended is,
In one page, I want to create something that lets he find "Restuarant" by selecting "City" and "Food type" sequentially.
As I said earlier, just as there are "hamburger" in Seoul or Daegu.
Whether he choose Seoul or Daegu, I want to make it possible to choose a hamburger option.
In other words, options "City" in Seoul and Daegu include options such as "hamburger" or "chicken".
Both Seoul and Daegu "City" options include hamburger and chicken "Food Type" options.
Hamburger Restaurant in Seoul and Daegu are different store, but they are included in "Hamburger" title.
In other words, even if he choose Seoul or Daegu, I want to make it possible to find a hamburger restaurant in Seoul or Daegu
(whatever he chose "City") by allowing him to choose a hamburger option(Food Type).
I hope my opinions are well communicated to you.
Others you suggested are still under review.
Thank you very much.