I cannot see the search filter control anywhere in this View. Please refer to my previous instructions. Insert a text search filter control in the Search and Pagination settings for this View. This field will have the js-wpv-filter-trigger class applied automatically, and it will be set up to respond to change events automatically. Wrap the text search filter control in a hidden div so it's not visible.
Remove this code:
jQuery(".js-wpv-filter-form-18-TCPID2 .js-wpv-filter-trigger-delayed").first().trigger("change");
Do not manually trigger change events on the max / min input fields.
As you suggested I have added a text search filter control and its not adding class js-wpv-filter-trigger, its adding js-wpv-filter-trigger-delayed.
And not effecting result update.
I tried with manually enter value in field and also with this code
var formatNumber = function(number)
number += "";
var parts = number.split('.');
var integer = parts[0];
var decimal = parts.length > 1 ? '.' + parts[1] : '';
var regex = /(\d+)(\d{3})/;
while (regex.test(integer))
integer = integer.replace(regex, '$1' + ',' + '$2');
return integer + decimal;
range: true,
min: 10,
max: 100,
step: 10,
values: [10, 100],
slide: function(event, ui) {
jQuery(".js-wpv-filter-trigger-delayed, .js-wpv-filter-trigger-delayed").change(function() {
jQuery("#daslider").slider("values", [parseInt($(".js-wpv-filter-trigger-delayed").val()), parseInt($(".js-wpv-filter-trigger-delayed").val())]);
But its not working at all.
Please provide me a working solution.
Please provide me a working solution.
No, I will not provide a working solution for you. I've already explained that this type of customization is not supported. If you have a question about one specific piece of code, I will try to answer it. I will not create this code for you, per our support policy here: https://toolset.com/toolset-support-policy/
"If you have a question about one specific piece of code"
I have already provided you different codes and made changes as you suggested but still its not working.
I am just asking for your support to make it possible.
If is there any changes required or need to try I will do just guide me to make it possible.
I am just asking for your support to make it possible.
No, I cannot do that. This is outside the scope of support we provide.
My issue is resolved now. Thank you!