I am trying to:
I have a docs post type and a partner post type with a many to many relationship set up.
I want to add a selector on a cred form to allow someone to pick the partner from a doc cred form. I have this working fine in a one to many post type for another relationship using...
<div class ="field"> [cred_field field='@source-content-to-source-ticket.parent' select_text='--- not set ---' class='form-control' output='bootstrap']</div>
I have it kind of working but it just too odd having two forms on one page. This is the same functionality I want but it puts things in another form instead of just a field on the current form...
[cred-relationship-form form='add-partner-to-source-doc' parent_item='$current']
So what is the code I need to get this in the same form - and when I choose either post type I get nothing under relationships when I need to choose a field.
The parent selector of Toolset form works only for the one-to-many relationship, it does not work for many-to-many relationship, if you agree, we can take it as a feature request.
For many-to-many relationship, we have provided "relationship form", with it you can connect existed posts:
Toolset allows you to create forms to connect posts that form a many-to-many relationship
For your reference.
Please keep this open as a feature request. We are using the many to one selector in a few places and it looks and works great.
For some of our stuff having two forms on a page isn't a huge deal and we can make it work but there are a couple of forms that this "field" belongs in the middle of the form and it is kind of goofy having it at the top of the page. Yes I know I can nest forms but I have had browser issues nesting forms before and layering that with your API doesn't sound like a good idea.
As your request, I have marked this thread as a feature request, and assign it to correspond supporter.
We have this request filed already, I made it public here so it can be upvoted:
Note that we cannot go above what is possible in the backend (means, for example, a post always must be first saved, before it can be connected to some other posts)
Thanks for your voice on the request, please do not forget to upvote it.
Thank you - I voted.
Just thinking today this is actually a bigger use problem than I originally thought. We added the form to our edit forms for the admin team. Not a huge huge deal to have them hit submit twice... they don't want to but will live with it.
But there is no solution for a "New Post". If a user fills out a form that uses relationships as a field they cannot add that to their form until they have already saved their form which creates basically an unusable UX on the front end.