I am trying to:
I would like to have space in between columns on the Infiltration posts, Accomplices section
Link to a page where the issue can be seen:
hidden link
I expected to see:
want to see space in between the images
Instead, I got:
All the posts are butted up together
I have tried the URL you mentioned above, but get this error message:
Access Denied - Sucuri Website Firewall
Please check it
Q1) get the images to be the same size,
How do you setup those images?
If it is the post featured image, you can use Views shortcode [wpv-post-featured-image] to get the images in same size, for example:
[wpv-post-featured-image size='custom' width='300' height='200']
If it is a custom image field, you can try the Types shortcode, and customize the image size
Q2) have space in between them
This is a custom CSS problem, I suggest you follow document to setup style your page, for example:
hidden link