Tell us what you are trying to do?
* I'm trying to clean up the url for multiple pages of the cpt archives.
For example, page 3 for one of my custom post types shows like this:
hidden link
How do I make it look cleaner, like this maybe or something similar:
hidden link
hidden link
those are just examples, doesn't have to be like that, but I'd like to remove "wpv_view_count=xxx" and "wpv_paged"
Is there any documentation that you are following?
* No, I can't find much info on this or maybe not sure what to look for
I am using permalinks, I tried /category/post-name and just /post-name but that doesn't seem to make a difference. Maybe I'm missing an option in settings or how I'm making my cpts?
Is there a similar example that we can see?
What is the link to your site?
There isn't such a built-in feature within Views plugin, but you can hide(remove) the URL parameters with AJAX pagination, and disable the option "Update the URL of the page when paginating the View", see screenshot AJAX-pagination.JPG
This doesn't seem right, even on your own blog, the URL's are "pretty" like they usually are with WordPress. There must be a way to remove the parameters from the URL.
Is there a workaround that you know that might require another tool?
Is your suggestion going to allow people to still click on a page number rather than just loading the next page?
Q1) Is there a workaround that you know that might require another tool?
There isn't other existed workaround, those URL parameters are required for Views pagination. In Toolset blog, for example:
It is using WordPress archive pagination, it is not pagination of a normal view, see our document:
Q2) Is your suggestion going to allow people to still click on a page number rather than just loading the next page?
Views pagination supports both ways:
1) click on a page number
2) Infinite Scrolling
For your reference.