I would like to design the archive (overview) page of my custom post type. But I'm lost in this... I made a Archive in the Toolset dashboard. Do I need a view?
What i want: I want a page where there is a overview of the custom post types i created and there should be filtering on the top of the page for the end user. When they want more detail they should click on a read more link to the single template which I created succesfully. Further I like my divi footer below and my header above. Sounds simply and I am a technical person but as this is new to me, I am lost unfortunately. Please help... Thanks
You can use Layouts plugin to customize the content area of archive page, for example,
1) create a layout and assign it to post type archive page
2) in above layout, add a WordPress Archive cell to display the posts
3) in the WordPress Archive, setup custom search form for user to filter the result.
Hi, but i want to have my header above the loop and the footer (which are standard divi sections) below it. How can i do this. It really drives me crazy. I spend hours to achieve this but nothing works...