I've set up the following with a fairly complicated post types / relationships architecture (see diagram). If you could take a look to help me see what's gone wrong, I would appreciate it.
I am attempting to display all the States connected to an Explorer. To do so, I've set up the following content templates. (POV is Point of View, a naming convention that helps me make sense of all this.)
POV Self: Post Title Link (pov-self-post-title-link)
POV State Group: State Title Link (pov-state-group-state-title-link)
[wpv-post-body view_template="pov-self-post-title-link" item="@state-in-group.child"]
POV Cluster (From): State Title Link (pov-cluster-from-state-title-link)
[wpv-post-body view_template="pov-state-group-state-title-link" item="@cluster-shift-from.child"]
POV Explorer: State Title Link (pov-explorer-state-title-link)
[wpv-post-body view_template="pov-cluster-from-state-title-link" item="@explorer-cluster.child"]
Then, I set up a View, POV Explorer: State Title Links. I've attached screenshots of my settings.
Finally, to test, I inserted the View directly into the content of an Explorer page (Rebecca), to display as an unordered list. What displays is a series of blank list items, showing the correct number of bullets (18) as the number of States for the Explorer. But no titles/links display at all.
To test further, I added the Content Template POV Explorer: State Title Link directly. The Content Template displayed a single State link, which I suppose is expected.
I've attached a screenshot of the page, which you can see directly here: hidden link
I imagine the unordered list is full of empty lines because of something missing in the View setup. Could you help me identify what went wrong?