I have created 2 custom post types FAQ and Answers, here the FAQ is related to the product which in one to many relation ( One product to Many FAQ ) not Answers post types is related to FAQ with one to many relation ( One FAQ to Many Answers ), now what and count like number of the Answers which is related to the product. How to achieve this ?
Can I clarify your question before proceeding, please, it is not entirely clear.
Do I understand correctly that when displaying a product post you want to show how many answers are available for that product? (Answers being grandchild posts of products.)
If that were the case you would likely need to create a custom shortcode that used the relationship API (specifically the toolset_get_related_posts function) to get the child posts, to loop over those and then use the same function to get the child answers of those FAQ posts, sum them and return the total).
You understand it right, Is there anyway that I directly get connected answers to product like direct connection between product and it's grand child avoiding the child.
You taking this thread to another direction what I have asked and what you have answered does not add up please read the thread again and give solution accordingly.
I shared an alternative structure, because, I thought you were looking for a solution where a direct connection between the "Products" and "Answers" could exist.
> Is there anyway that I directly get connected answers to product like direct connection
> between product and it's grand child avoiding the child."
I'm afraid, it not possible with your existing setup because "Products" are linked to "FAQs" and then "FAQs" are linked to "Answers".
As there is no direct connection between grand-parent "Products" and grand-child "Answers", it is not possible to skip/bypass the child "FAQs".