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[Resolved] Genesis Page Layouts – Content Layout Editor – Problem

This support ticket is created 7 years, 5 months ago. There's a good chance that you are reading advice that it now obsolete.

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Last updated by Geoffrey Cleverley 7 years, 4 months ago.

Assisted by: Luo Yang.

Screenshot 2.png
Screenshot 1.png

Hey there

I am using Genesis theme, with layouts and the layouts-genesis integration.

For my pages I decided to follow Toolsets advice and just use the content layout editor from within the page editor screen, as opposed to the full layouts menu/gui.

The problem I am having is that I want a full width main.content, with no aside.sidebar (or the layouts bootstrap equivalent). Normally I would choose a different layout with the genesis layouts setting from the page editor. This setting has disappeared however so I am not able to do that. (please see screenshot 1)

This means that in the content layout editor I only have the option of designing a layout for the main.content and the aside.sidebar is still there and untouchable. (please see screenshot 2)

I am currently creating page layouts via the main Layouts gui/menu and it all works fine there, but it would be preferable to be able to use this new contents layout editor button inside the page editor.

My apologies if I am missing something obvious in the functionality here.




Dear Jeff,

I suggest you setup a full-width row in your layout, and put a post content cell into the row.
see our document:
Cells extend to the full width
Post Content cell

Screen Shot 2017-04-19 at 11.47.51 AM.png

Hey Luo,

Thanks for the assist.

I tried that. Unfortunately, the width of the row is constrained by the theme layout. Since I can't change the genesis theme layout on the pages from [Main + Sidebar] to [Main no sidebar], as would normally be the way to do this, I cant get post content row to take the full width.

As you can see from the options offerent in the edit row settings, all the layouts row settings also include a sidebar, and all the genesis row setting have no effect on getting rid of the sidebar.



Since it is a compatibility problem, please provide a copy of your website, I need to test and debug it in my localhost, thanks


I tried the URL you provided in the "private detail box"
but can only see a "Not Found" error, please check it


Hey there

Not sure what is going on there.

Instead of sharing a link to a folder, I've replaced the link with individual files links. Private message above has been updated.

Let me know if there's still a problem, I'll look at a different cloud if so.

Cheers Luo


Thanks for the details, I can download the files, but since it is weekend, it might takes time to feedback when there is anything found.


Cheers Luo

No problem, I'm in no real hurry.

I used the old method, created a full width layout via the layouts settings gui instead of via the page editor. All is working fine that way.



I have downloaded those files, but the file "installer.php" is not correspond to zip file, so I need to setup the test site manually with the database dump file you provided in the zip file, it might take a little more time, and I will update this thread if there is anything found.


Oh my.... ! I'm really sorry for wasting your time. I had difficulty uploading the zip to the clouddrive and must have mixed up the installers.

I just deployed the latest version to live for a colleague to check so I have a duplicate and installer just here. I will update the private message incase that becomes easier than having you figure that out.

Again, sincerest apologies 🙁


I can not duplicate same problem with the database dump file you provided in a fresh wordpress installation, with only Layouts plugin + Toolset Genesis Integration + the "genesis" theme, here are detail steps, please correct me if there is anything missing:
1) Deactivate other plugins and switch to the original "genesis" theme
2) Create a layout with a row, edit the row, enable option "Cells extend to the full width"
see document:
3) In above row, add a visual editor cell with some text
4) Create a page assigned with above layout, test it in front-end, I can see it does display as full-width

In your screenshot:
hidden link
You are using option "Genesis sidebar row", you should be able to see the preview image which is being constrained, see attachment: tn-full-fixed.png

Please describe more details for the question:
I cant get post content row to take the full width.
Where and how do you want the layout roll display? thanks


Hey Luo,

Yup, I will do all of that.

But re this screenshot:
hidden link

I haven't actually only chosen that option, I have tried every one of all 6 of those options.

However as you can see in the screenshot, there is no option for "Cells extend to the full width", as are available usually:

I took the sceenshot to show you that there are only 3 options, missing that option we need:

options are:
1. Genesis Site Header Row - which we don't want
2. Genesis Content Row - Which we don't want (doesn't display to full width)
3. Genesis Sidebar Row - As you mentioned we don't want.

The 3 options above are bootstrap row options and show the sidebar.

While I try to reproduce the problem with the site stripped right back, would you be able to take a screenshot of the row options that are available to you please.

Thanks, again... and apologies again re the mix up.



It is strange, what I see is different from your screenshot, see screenshot: genesis-page-layouts.JPG and genesis-page-layouts2.JPG,
I am using same plugin files and theme files from the duplicator file you provided.
Please try the third option: " ... its background extend to", and test again, if the problem still exists, please provide a test site, I need to test and debug it in a live website. thanks

Screenshot 5.png
Screenshot 4.png
Screenshot 3.png
Screenshot 2.png
Screenshot 1.png

Hi Luo,

Okay, I have identified where we are out of steps.

From your screenshot, I can see that you are in the row settings, but you are accessing them via the Layouts Gui for Posts.

Layouts recently made a change, and introduced the Content Layout Editor button on WordPress Pages, above the editor - I've been trying to use this option, instead of the full Layout settings page.

Screenshot 1.
On a Page, when using Genesis, you can choose from the standard Genesis layouts on each page. It is normally accessible from the area shown in this screenshot. It's normally the usual choice of main, with or without sidebars on either side.

I haven't actually been using this setting when creating with Genesis and Layouts, as in the past I've just been using layouts from its Toolset setting Gui, but....

Screenshot 2.
Actually in Layouts, when you go to apply the layout to an individual page there is a hint to get people to use the new Content Layout Editor, which is located on the page editor. It is suggested as a better work-flow, creating less clutter in the layouts admin - but like I say, I am generally happy using the layouts admin, all in one place etc

Screenshot 3.
The layouts content editor button on the page admin

Screenshot 4.
You can see in the top left of the editor screen for the page layouts content editor, that the default genesis layout is chosen, and as seen in screenshot 1, there is now no option to change this.

Screenshot 5.
The Row settings available from the Pages Content Layout Editor Settings. The choices which I showed you earlier.

As I mentioned earlier, I am just using the old layouts workflow, which is fine. But if I am doing something wrong, and there is a way to use the page content editor, and have no default sidebar, I am definitely up for trying to see how that workflow suits me too.




Thanks for the details, I can see the problem, and as your screenshot:
hidden link

There isn't such an option to display it as full-width, since you are design the post content within Layout, it can not be displayed outside the area of post content.

So I suggest you can use the old layouts workflow to setup the full-width row.

This ticket is now closed. If you're a Toolset client and need related help, please open a new support ticket.