First thing first. What a great tool. Tough to apprehend but so powerful. It really helps making wordpress be a real management tool.
Tell us what you are trying to do?
I'm setting up a website (WordPress + Oxygen + Toolset) dedicated to manage our projects. I created via toolset 3 CPT : Projects, Tiers and Contacts, most of them interlinked between each other via M2M relationships and up until now, it's working great even if i can't benefit from the great work you seem to have done with Gutenberg Integration
The problem :
- On the front-end project page (single), i list the contacts and their position inside the project. M2M relationship between "Project" and "Contact" with one custom field inside the relationship type to define the position.
- I set up my relationship form for editing/deleting the relationship and have it inside the loop of my view which is then displayed via shortcodes. All the fields are displayed correctly, no problem on this, Toolset and Oxygen work pretty well together.
- Problem : when editing the relationship ('Edit this...' link), i get to the relationships form and edit the fields and once I submit, it doesn't edit, it erases the value in the relationship type custom field.
By the way, on deletion of the link, it would be nice to have a small waiting loop animation to know it's happening.
Is there any documentation that you are following?
Googling about this and relationship and tons of reading on Toolset's forum. No success but learnt a lot
Is there a similar example that we can see?
What is the link to your site?
It's for internal use, so not public at all : hidden link
I can set up an admin account
- CPT concerned : Projets (ex on front-end : hidden link)
By the way, i start to understand why no M2M between CPT of same kind. But that would be great. Projects could be linked, contacts could be third party.... That would streamline everything and open to new possibilities
Thanks in advance