Thanks for writing back.
Nigel shared the view option in general and it is applicable only for cases where a page is already showing some posts, using a post view.
You need to place the edit form on a different page, which doesn't already include a view, so you can follow these steps:
1. In your actual post page, you'll need to include the edit link for the separate page with the edit form, like this:
<a href="[wpv-post-url item='12345']?target-id=[wpv-post-id]">Edit this post</a>
Note: Please replace "12345", with the actual ID of the page that you want to use for the edit form. As a result, when a visitor will click this link, he/she will be taken to the edit form page, with the target post's ID passed in the URL parameter "target-id".
2. On the edit form page, you can include the edit form's shortcode, like this:
[cred_form form='form-to-edit-post' post='[wpv-search-term param="target-id"]']
Note: Please replace "form-to-edit-post" with the actual slug of your edit form.
The post='[wpv-search-term param="target-id"]' part will tell the form to get the ID of the target post, from the URL and use that for editing.
Tip: You can wrap the form's shortcode inside the condition, so that when a target post ID is available in the URL parameter, the edit form is shown, and when not, a warning message "No target post ID provided!" is displayed:
[wpv-conditional if="( '[wpv-search-term param="target-id"]' ne '' )" ]
[cred_form form='form-to-edit-post' post='[wpv-search-term param="target-id"]']
[wpv-conditional if="( '[wpv-search-term param="target-id"]' eq '' )" ]
No target post ID provided!